Where to Look for a Job if You're a Senior
- Author: Mary Singleton
- Posted: 2024-08-09
This is a site that's geared toward seniors who are interested in finding a job. The site offers a variety of resources including a list of potential employers that are willing to hire seniors. There are also articles with information and tips on how you can get around age bias when creating a resume as well as how you can go through a career transition more easily. You'll also find general tips.
Retiree Workforce
This website is another terrific resource for seniors, so you should take the time to look it over and make good use of its benefits. Similar to Workforce50, the Retiree Workforce site has a place to search for jobs, and it also offers a range of articles on how to find work when you're a senior. In addition, it offers a section with coupons that can help you save a little money.
Retired Brains
As a website geared toward assisting seniors in the workforce, you'll find a lot of good stuff at Retired Brains. There are a number of different articles that span the many topics of retirement and how to navigate this phase of your life. In addition, you'll have access to information on the kinds of available jobs that can be a good fit for senior job-seekers.
Although Indeed's website isn't designed specifically for seniors, it still has a lot to offer in the context of finding a job. As the most frequently used job search site on the Internet, it has a lot of potential. The Indeed search engine can be used either broadly or with a more narrow focus. For the largest number of general hits, you can start by doing a job search using just a single filter such as the job title, a specific employer name, or a location. When the results load, you can begin looking over jobs that are a close match and work your way through until you have several you're ready to apply for.
As you're probably already aware of, AARP has a membership program for seniors. However, their website is an additional resource that offers a lot to peruse. One area that it has is a section with numerous articles that cover a multitude of age-related topics. These articles provide information and tips on a variety of items, one of which is the market for job hunting. As another resource, AARP has put into motion the Back to Work 50+ program. This program is designed to put older Americans in touch with helpful information and job training resources. It also offers assistance in finding employment.
Although these different resources have lots of things in common, it's still important to utilize each one to garner the biggest benefit for your employment search. By taking the time to learn how each site works, you'll be able to navigate their different databases and make your job search more effective and increase your chances of getting hired by an employer that's a good match for your skills.
It may take persistence and diligence before you see any results from your efforts, but keep a positive outlook and press on. Before you know it, you'll be submitting resumes, going to interviews and saying yes to a job offer.