Everything You Need to Know about Government Benefits for Seniors

Do you know what government benefits are available for seniors? If not, you're not alone. Many people don't know about the different benefits available to them, and as a result, they miss out on so...


Benefits That Can Save Seniors a Significant Amount of Money

Your life will change significantly after attaining retirement age. For example, your financial situation might change if you don't have another source of income. You may also experience some changes in your body, ...


Are You 50 Years or Older? Here Are Some Money-Saving Benefits You Can Enjoy

You will notice a lot of changes as you grow older. For example, your skin will start developing wrinkles. Besides, you might develop vision or hearing loss, general aches, and other ailments associ...


All You Need to Know before Applying for Financial assistance After Attaining Retirement Age

Retirement life can be very challenging if you don't have enough money to help you get all the services you require in your old age. For example, you might require regular medical c...


Some of the Facts You Need to Know Before Applying for Senior Benefits

Have you just retired? Do you have enough savings in your account? If you don't, it might be advisable to ensure that you have a stable source of income to enable you to finance your bills and get ...


LGBT Survivor SSI Benefits Granted

There is some very good news for LGBT seniors over 65 years of age who have lost a spouse. You are now entitled to apply for and receive survivors' benefits. Generally speaking, these are Social Security benefits given out to a surviving p...


Gaslighting Seniors is the New Normal

If you're a senior ready to retire who's been keeping up with the news on Social Security payments you could receive (SSI), then you may have noticed a few news articles popping up recently that are begging you not to retire. "Seniors s...


7 Senior Benefits That Will Make Your Life Easier After Retirement

As the cost of living continues increasing, discounts on different products and services will make life more comfortable, especially if you don't have a stable source of income. One benefit of being a ...


Benefits That Will Enable You to Live a Comfortable Life after Retirement

If you've just attained retirement age, it might be advisable to start considering your financial options to enable you to prepare for any eventuality. For example, you might require regular medical ex...


New Mexico Bill Would Eliminate Tax on Seniors

New Mexico legislators and the governor are trying to pass a bill that would eliminate the state's current tax on social security benefits. The bill, called House Bill 48, would eliminate the tax on social security income, expla...